The Charley Roth Memorial Trophy

Financed by an anonymous donor

Trophies were on display at the 4th annual Charley Roth Memorial show staged at Balfour Park shopping center on the 1st and 2nd of July. Club members in issue !!! of the newsletter were invited to build trophies in two categories: senior and junior. Anonymous voting determined the winning trophies worthy of the Charley Roth Memorial award. Click thumbnails below to see larger pictures.

Kobus's block setter


Dave's cup (senior)

Mike's cup (senior)

Anthony's hand (senior)

Fred's spanner (senior)

Dayne Robin's cup (junior)

David's truck

trophy (junior)

David's small cup



Winning junior trophy, by Dayne Robins

Winning senior trophy, by Anthony Els


The final trophies will be stripped by the builder, chrome plated and re-assembled. Chroming and part replacement will be financed by an anonymous donor, looking to invest in the prestige of a trophy, allowing the modeling legend of Charley Roth to live on for a long time to come!

The trophy will be presented yearly to a single junior and single senior Meccano modeler within the club meeting minimum requirements of excellence for: